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Complication Leads to Loss of Eye-Sight

updated: 28-Oct-19

In a very unfortunate case of medical negligence, a woman lost eye-sight in her left eye because the nursing staff did not administer eye drops as prescribed during an eye procedure. This lack of professionalism typically results in injury to patients, these patients may qualify for a claim under  the field of law called medical malpractice. de Broglio Attorneys have been handling medical malpractice cases for many years and have built up a reputation as being the best in the industry when it comes to winning these types of cases and securing the maximum amount of compensation for their clients.  

Catharina Zumba* went in for a relatively standard eye procedure and left the hospital with lost eye-sight. She didn’t know what to do and was literally “in the dark” when it came to options for her to claim compensation for her injuries.

She decided to do some research about avenues for compensation when she came across the de Broglio Attorneys website. She explained, “I was searching on Google for information about what happened to me. That is when I found the website for de Broglio Attorneys. I phoned them and arranged to go in for a consultation. While I was there, they said they would help me with a claim.”

After that initial consultation, Catharina’s role was to keep de Broglio Attorneys updated about any changes she experienced, attend appointments, and supply them with whatever documentation they requested from her. The law firm did the rest. They undertook thorough investigations, prepared for court, consulted various medical experts, and built up a solid case against the medical institution against which her claim arose.

de Broglio Attorneys successfully settler her claim for R1,422,000.00, an amount that provided her with “light at the end of the tunnel” after an ordeal so terrible that no one should have to suffer through it.

de Broglio Attorneys are expert medical negligence attorneys, they helped Catharina and have done the same for hundreds of other clients. Should you ever need an opinion on such a case, don’t delay in contacting the best attorneys in this field of law, you can contact de Broglio Attorneys on 011-466 4200 for free telephonic specialist advice.


*Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality

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