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Driver with Concussion Awarded R1,500,000.00 from RAF

updated: 29-Jul-16

In South Africa, all victims of road accidents are entitled to lodge claims for compensation for personal injury against the Road Accident Fund (RAF) if their accident occurred on a South African road and the accident was not their fault. The claims process can be long with many requirements, such as being seriously injured, and prescriptions time frames exist which most people do not know about. Specialist law firms such as de Broglio Attorneys Inc. have honed their skills and knowledge on how to sue the RAF successfully. This prominent law firm produces one successful settlement after the other while providing excellent service to their clients. 

Samuel Robertson* suffered a concussion injury in a motor vehicle accident when he was driving along a main road and an oncoming motor vehicle suddenly turned right in front of him, obstructing his right of way and causing the accident.

The accident negatively affected his life on many levels and he wanted to claim from the RAF for compensation but he didn’t know how to process the claim. He decided to contact de Broglio Attorneys Inc. after he had seen some of their advertisements. He said, “I called you because I normally saw you guys on television and on the internet so I though let me see if you can help.” He contacted de Broglio Attorneys Inc. for advice on what to do and they advised him that he had a valid claim against the RAF and that they would assist him in handling the claim on a no-win no-fee basis. Samuel was happy with this agreement and instructed de Broglio Attorneys Inc. to proceed with his claim. 

de Broglio Attorneys Inc. represented him as his attorneys on record and proceeded to institute action against the RAF. There is no hurdle high enough to stop this legal force from ensuring that their client’s enjoy the taste of success in RAF claims.

Samuel’s RAF claim was successfully settled in the North Gauteng High Court almost 4 years after the date of the accident for the staggering amount of R1,500,000.00. Samuel said, “I am actually happy with everything and I’m excited. I have got no complaints and I am happy about the future.

*Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality. 

Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.