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Let Your Attorney Help You!

updated: 26-Aug-17

It is wise to let your attorney assist you with every aspect of your Road Accident Fund (RAF) claim. They are the experts and know exactly what to do in order to achieve success for you. de Broglio Attorneys Inc. have had one or two clients over the years who insist on doing something themselves and ultimately they do not succeed and ask the law firm to take over. This causes delays in their case and in the long run the best advice is to let your attorneys help you in what they do best. 

In a recent case, one of our clients insisted, instead of using one of the trusts that we recommend, to set up her own trust. She never got it registered in time, we had nothing to do with it, and it was totally out of our hands. Once they never got it registered in time she then asked us to get a registered bystander bank, which is what we did in order to help her. 

We are always willing to assist our clients in any way possible, but as experts in this field of law, we have tried and tested procedures and processes which produce successful results one after the next and we encourage our clients to trust us and not try and reinvent the wheel.

In this particular case our client confirmed that it was a mistake to do the trust herself in the first place and said, “It would have been easier for me to let you do the trust from the beginning.”

Her attorney reported, “In this case the client elected her own trust with a bank. The trust was never registered due to a delay of sorts on their side and the client then elected to use the bank that we use.”

“The trust is now going through the normal processes of being registered etc. The time it takes to register a trust was explained to the client at court. As well as the reason for a new trust to be set up was due to the fault on the part of the bank she chose. Our client acknowledged all of this.”

Our client acknowledged that ignoring our advice was not beneficial for her claim and she said, “They took the wrong details and didn’t register the trust in time. We had to then reapply for the trust. My attorney again advised me to use your bank which I then agreed to and the trust is being registered. I should have done it this way from the beginning.”

We all learn from our mistakes and those of others and in this case we learn that the best way to aid the success of your case is to adhere to the advices of your attorneys as they have your best interests at heart and will act in good faith to ensure that your case is handled professionally.

Phone de Broglio Attorneys Inc. today on (011) 446-4255 for advice on a RAF claim. 

*Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality. 

Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.


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