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Motorcyclist forced to close Engineering Business

updated: 05-Apr-13

In this case, Matthew Hoskin* was a young entrepreneur who owned a heavy Engineering business. He was riding his motorcycle when another motor vehicle suddenly made a u-turn in front of him. He could not stop in time and collided with the vehicle and in one instant his entire life ws about to change.

His list of injuries sustained was severe and extensive including multiple rib fractures to the right side, fractured right humerus, multiple lacerations to his face, left eyelid, lip and tongue, ruptured liver and spleen, whiplash injury to the neck, concussive head injury with loss of consciousness and subsequent serious secondary cerebral complications with resultant neurophysical, neurocognitive and neuropsychological sequelae, right radial nerve palsy, severe injury to the right knee, fracture of the right shoulder, loss of hearing and loss of taste and organic brain syndrome.

As a result of his injuries, Matthew was forced to close his business and subsequently secured 2 jobs which were short-lived as he was unable to cope mentally and physically with the demands of the jobs.

de Broglio Inc Attorneys employed a full panel of 15 top medical and legal experts who confirmed the severity of Matthew’s injuries and provided evidence of the long-term, ongoing impact these would have on Matthew for the rest of his life.

This was all presented against the Road Accident Fund and even though Matthew was found to be 20% to blame for the accident, de Broglio Inc Attorneys settled the matter for R8 021 061.00. A resounding success and another happy client of de Broglio Inc.

*Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality


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