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Passenger Awarded R2,930,321.00 in RAF Settlement

updated: 09-Jul-17

De Broglio Attorneys Inc. are well known as the leading personal injury law firm in South Africa. This prestigious law firm specializes in claims against the Road Accident Fund (RAF) and have been litigating in this field of law for over 21 years. With all these years in practice the firm has become an expert in personal injury, medical negligence and RAF matters delivering one successful settlement after the next to their clients who are people who have been injured by no fault of their own. This is why de Broglio Attorneys Inc. are here and able to fight your case so you don’t have to.

Pretty Mabena* was a client of de Broglio Attorneys Inc. and instructed the specialist law firm to handle a claim against the RAF on her behalf after she had been a passenger who was injured in a motor vehicle accident back in 2014. She had been referred to de Broglio Attorneys Inc. by her father, “My dad looked up Road Accident Fund on the internet and decided to use de Broglio Attorneys and then he told me about them. That’s how I decided to use them.”

As a result of the accident, Pretty suffered a severe head injury and had no recollection of the accident. Her injuries negatively affected many aspects of her life and these affects were taken into consideration in the settlement of her claim against the RAF.

Various leading medico legal experts were consulted with in order to obtain their specialist opinions to include in her claim. De Broglio Attorneys Inc. financed Pretty’s claim from beginning to end providing peace of mind for her and lifting the financial burden of financing the costly claim herself. 

Pretty was very happy with the service she received from de Broglio Attorneys Inc. and said, “It was handled quite well and it was handled very quickly. De Broglio told the judge my claim number and about my case and my advocate fought my case and then the judge agreed. It was settled very quickly.”

Pretty’s matter was settled in the North Gauteng High Court just 2 years after her accident for the excellent amount of R2,930,321.00. Pretty said, “I am happy with the settlement I have no complaints. I would definitely recommend de Broglio Attorneys to my friends and family.”

*Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality.

Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.


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