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Positive Outcome of R4,804,156.00 Amidst a Tragedy

updated: 17-Jul-16

de Broglio Attorneys Inc. take pride in the service and results that they provide their clients with. This well established law firm specialises in personal injury claims and have over 20 years of legal experience in laying claims against the Road Accident Fund (RAF). Suing the RAF demands legal fortitude and expertize and it is highly recommended that if you have been seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident that wasn’t your fault, that you contact a law firm like de Broglio Attorneys Inc. to handle your claim on your behalf.

Thousands of people who have been injured in motor vehicle accidents have employed de Broglio Attorneys Inc. to handle their claims against the RAF. One such client was young Sandra Balewa* who was involved in a motor vehicle accident in which she was seriously injured. She had been a passenger in a vehicle where the driver of the vehicle lost control and the car overturned. 

As a result of the accident Sandra sustained a head injury and tragically lost her twin sister. Her family were thrown into a terrible pit of pain and suffering and sought legal assistance as Sandra was not to blame for the accident yet she was suffering so.

de Broglio Attorneys Inc. took on her claim and marched forward taking no nonsense from the RAF. They fought hard for her case and eventually achieved success when her claim was settled in the South Gauteng High Court for the fantastic amount of R4,804,156.00.

The attorney handling her claim was very happy with the result obtained and said, “This young lady tragically lost her twin sister in this motor vehicle accident and suffered very serious injuries herself. I felt privileged to assist her in reaching a great settlement with the RAF which will ensure her future wellbeing and I am sure that the compensation received will help her in closing the chapter on the terrible accident she was involved in”. 

The settlement obtained in this matter is another testimony of the work and results achieved by the impressive law firm de Broglio Attorneys Inc. They are available to take your queries Monday – Friday from 08h30 – 17h00. 

*Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality.

Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.


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