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R1,400,000.00 RAF Settlement for Injured Passenger

updated: 15-Jul-17

South African-owned legal firm, de Broglio Attorneys Inc. may be able to assist in successfully settling a Road Accident Fund (RAF) claim if you were seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident which you did not cause. The RAF is a government organization that has been set up to compensate victims of road accidents. The process of claiming from the RAF is filled with pitfalls and is a laborious process which demands the assistance of a legal firm like de Broglio Attorneys Inc.

In this latest settlement, our client, a Zimbabwean citizen, Mr. Simon Bhunu* had been involved in a motor vehicle accident in August 2012. He was a passenger who suffered multiple serious injuries in the accident and has been compromised in his daily life ever since because of the ongoing consequences of his injuries.

Simon gave de Broglio Attorneys Inc. the special power of attorney to proceed with a claim against the RAF on his behalf. As leaders in this field of law, de Broglio Attorneys Inc. handled every element of his RAF claim from beginning to end. They took the financial burden of such a claim on their own shoulders which was a great relief to Simon who would not have been able to finance such a claim on his own. 

The specialist attorney firm have over 2 decades of experience in handling claims against the RAF and have a history of success in settling these claims. They can offer advice on potential claims to anyone who has been involved in a motor vehicle accident and in this case they advised Simon that they can assist him with a claim. They proved once again that they can produce results for their clients when they settled Simon’s claim successfully. 

The attorney handling his claim said, “We needed to arrange an interpreter at court for this client due to a language barrier.” de Broglio Attorneys Inc. arranged for this interpreter to attend court to assist in translating for Simon to ensure he was able to participate informedly in his case. Simon’s RAF claim was settled in the North Gauteng High Court for the superb amount of R1,400,000.00. 

Simon was very happy with the settlement amount which would give him a new lease on a life that has been so hampered due to no fault of his own. 

*Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality. 

Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.


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