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R2,114,624.00 Awarded in Damages

updated: 02-Jun-15

Motorcyclist Brett Schoeman* was on his way home from a breakfast with friends when he was knocked off his bike by an overtaking vehicle. He was flung into a lamp post.

He broke his collar bone, 12 ribs, and his foot. He was knocked unconscious in the accident and only woke up a week later in the hospital, he had suffered a brain injury with blood on the brain. He also suffered from lung problems.

40 year old Brett wanted to pursue a claim against the RAF for his injuries and the unfortunate effects they had on his life.

He employed de Broglio Inc to represent him in his claim and gave them the special power of attorney to manage the claim.

The attorney who handled his claim said, “He has a pre-existing back problem that was exacerbated by the accident. He has worked as a prison warden for his full working career and was off work for 2 years after the accident. He can no longer use a baton and has therefore been given different duties at the prison. He is depressed. Should he lose his current employment he would have great difficulty in finding alternative employment and if he becomes medically boarded he will be functionally unemployable in the open labour market.”

de Broglio Inc deal with RAF claims daily as their field of expertise. The entire firm is set up and equipped with the most competent staff and technology to ensure that each and every claim is processed expertly as was the case with Brett’s claim.

Brett was consulted with by a multitude of leading medico legal experts arranged by the law firm. These experts provided vital evidence for his claim. At de Broglio Inc only the best will do, and they only use the top experts available to consult with their clients.  

Brett’s RAF claim was successfully settled in the North Gauteng High Court for the amount of R2,114,624.00    

*Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality. 

Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.


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