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R7,078,445.00 in Victorious Triumph

updated: 22-Feb-18

The Road Accident Fund (RAF) was recently defeated by de Broglio Attorneys Inc. in a record breaking settlement of R7,078,445.00 which was awarded to one of the prestigious law firm’s clients. de Broglio Attorneys Inc. are well known for the excellent results they obtain for their clients in RAF, personal injury and medical negligence matters. They have been specialising in this field of law for over 20 years and have built up a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to suing the RAF specifically. 

Isaac Madibana* was a passenger in a motor vehicle that lost control and overturned. He said, “I don’t even remember the accident. All I know is that I was a passenger.” He suffered some serious injuries as a result of the accident which altered his life forever. “I got a head injury on the left hand side, a spinal fracture, and a broken right femur,” he said.  

Isaac needed help in a time when others fell by the wayside. He contacted de Broglio Attorneys Inc. and after consultation instructed them to do his RAF claim. “I am happy about de Broglio Attorneys. They are very good lawyers. They are very good with everything. They assisted us with travelling and everything we needed, they were always there. Friends and family just ran away and distanced themselves and de Broglio was always there, and they were excellent,” said Isaac. 

de Broglio Attorneys Inc. sued the RAF on Isaac’s behalf. They represented him in his RAF claim and kept him updated every step of the way. They provide a full service to their clients and ensure that they receive first class client service throughout the claim process hand in hand with the absolute best settlement figures possible.  

Despite Isaac’s ongoing health and work issues that resulted from the accident, he found hope in his journey with de Broglio Attorneys Inc. They were his rock and support during an extremely difficult period in his life and they fought for him with everything they have to ensure that he was properly compensated for his losses. Their legal know-how was indispensable in securing him compensation in line with the severity of his injuries.  

His claim was eventually settled for the outstanding amount of R7,078,445.00 in the North Gauteng High Court. Isaac commented, “I’m very happy the claim is over. Me and my wife were trying to write an email to thank them but we have not done it yet. We are very happy with the money that is coming as I lost my job because of the accident, so I lost income, and even right now I am not in a good state of my mind.” 

*Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality. 

Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.


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