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Road Accident Victim Rendered Unemployable

updated: 15-Jul-13

There are often lifetime consequences resulting from injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident. Whether the injuries are severe or not, a physical ailment or disability can negatively affect a persons’ emotional, psychological, family and work life to the point that they are unable to function as they did before. de Broglio Inc Attorneys work with experts to evaluate the long-term consequences and impact the wrongful injury has on clients and their families.

31 year old Miss Roussow was employed as an Admin Clerk at the time of the accident. One day she was driving along the N12 highway towards Johannesburg when a motor vehicle travelling in the opposite direction to her, lost control of his vehicle, swerved into her lane, and collided head on with her.

Miss Roussow was rushed to hospital where she was treated for 2 weeks and then transferred to another hospital and treated there for 4 months. She suffered an open fracture to the left femur and a closed fracture to the right femur.

She was wheelchair bound since the accident in May 2009 until January 2012. She now walks with the aid of a crutch and suffers constant pain and discomfort. Her specialist has indicated that there is a probability that she may need to have a hip replacement as a result of her injuries.

Miss Rossouw was retrenched from her employment 3 months after the accident and has been unable to work again.

de Broglio Inc Attorneys took into account all aspects of her life that have been affected in order to fight for the highest compensation for her. They considered that she has suffered a major loss of income, is in continual pain, has emotional turmoil, is functionally limited, has constant headaches and dizziness, and will probably suffer from these ailments for the rest of her life.

Her Attorney and the team at de Broglio Inc advised and consulted with her throughout the claim , always providing professional guidance and taking new developments into consideration to ensure Miss Roussow was fully settled once the matter was at court.

Her matter was settled for R 3 752 749.00 in the Pretoria High Court. Miss Roussow was highly pleased with the result and is now able to afford the treatment she needs in the future.

*Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality

Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.


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