updated: 13-Sep-13
Motor vehicle accidents occur every day in South Africa. That creates a huge pool of accident victims who may be able to claim against the Road Accident Fund for any damages they have suffered as a result of the accident. Victims suffer from a sphere of injuries which may be physical or mental, to mention just two types. de Broglio Inc Attorneys have been dealing with claims against the Road Accident Fund for over 20 years. The expert team has the legal know-how to execute smooth and comprehensive running and settlement of a claim. They focus on ensuring every aspect of their clients’ lives has been acknowledged, investigated and evidence has been gathered to prove how the accident has affected them. One further aspect is loss of income. In this case, Tony Scott*, once a Senior Manager in an International company, lost his promotion as he was unable to work as he did before the accident.
Described by his friends as a particularly organized and successful man, Tony Scott’s life was shattered in June 2008 when events occurred which were out of his control. He was driving home from a family dinner when he was hit from behind by another vehicle. Tony was in shock but reported he did not have any injuries as a result of this accident. He exited his vehicle and went to check if the driver of the other vehicle was injured. As he reached the other vehicle a truck collided with various other vehicles from behind forcing one of these vehicles to collide with him as he was standing in the road.
Mr Scott surprisingly sustained less severe injuries than one would expect from being involved in such a serious type of accident. He sustained bruises, backache, an injured left wrist and contusions. Tony approached de Broglio Inc to make a claim against the Road Accident Fund as he had been referred to them by a friend who had previously been assisted by the specialist team at de Broglio Inc in a successful claim.
The legal team assigned to the case at de Broglio Inc immediately lodged the claim with the Road Accident Fund and Tony’s attorney and advocate set about gathering evidence and building a solid case for him. They arranged for Tony to be examined by the leading medical experts in Johannesburg and obtained their expert reports which played a vital part in the ultimate settlement. Every element of Tony’s life was taken into consideration so that the case presented was comprehensive and air tight. They gathered evidence regarding the loss of his promotion and these lost earnings were also claimed for.
On a cool May morning, Tony and his attorney and advocate from de Broglio Inc gathered at the South Gauteng High Court ready for battle. Nothing was going to stand in their way of settling Tony’s claim against the Road Accident Fund for a sum that would ensure he would be able to continue living as he would have, had the accident not happened. Arguments with the defendant attorneys pursued, evidence was brought forward, and de Broglio Inc triumphed with a settlement of R1 804 168.00 and an undertaking where the RAF would pay for any future medical treatment that Tony may require for any accident related injuries.
Tony was ecstatic with his settlement and the team at de Broglio Inc had another claim settled well and successfully, something to celebrate and acknowledge as the triumph that it is.
*Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality
Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.