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Superb R4,536,103.00 Settlement

updated: 23-Jul-20

de Broglio Attorneys, well-known throughout South Africa for being the leading personal injury attorneys in the country, recently settled a claim against the Road Accident Fund (RAF) for the staggering amount of R4,536,103.00, which was a welcome addition to a previous interim settlement of R320,000.00 for the same client. Suing the RAF requires expertise, knowledge of this field of law, and experience in order to be successful. de Broglio Attorneys have over 25 years of this knowledge and experience and therefore consistently deliver excellent service and settlement amounts to their clients.

In this case, their client, Phillip du Randt*had contacted de Broglio Attorneys after he had been involved in a vehicle accident. Phillip was riding his motorcycle along a road when a car driving in the opposite direction suddenly turned across his path of travel. Phillip slammed on brakes in an attempt to avoid an accident but this was impossible and he suffered serious injuries as a result of the collision. All the bones in his one foot were crushed, his right hand was broken and he suffered several pelvic fractures.

Phillip only wanted the best lawyers to represent him against the RAF. He explained, “I got through to de Broglio Attorneys after I had seen them on TV many times. In hospital a couple of other companies came and approached me but I wanted to use someone with a higher quality, I didn’t want to use just anybody.”

de Broglio Attorneys ensure their clients are always well looked after. Phillip confirmed this, “I had great service and comebacks continuously from them. I never, ever had a hassle, I picked up the phone and they were always there for me. I emailed them and they always replied. They are very professional. I don’t have one bad thing to say about them.”

His matter was settled in the corridors of the North Gauteng High Court for the outstanding amount of R4,536,103.00, plus the additional amount of R320,000.00 which had been settled previously in an interim order. Phillip was extremely pleased with the resolution of his case and commented, “I am very happy with my settlement.” Phillip can now move forward with his life and pursue his dreams which have been made possible through his use of the legal expertise of de Broglio Attorneys.

*Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality.

Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.


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