"Good Day Michael
I trust that you are well.
I want to give a heartfelt thanks to you and your splendid team and the immense amount of time and effort put into my case.
Thank you guys for winning and giving me the best news ever. I almost felt like I won the lottery when I heard the news from Angelique and Liza.
You guys always worked so fast when there were any issues raised and also the communication from your team was so prompt and helpful.
Also thank you for all the hospitality with our journeys to and from Johannesburg attending trials, doctors consultants etc. You always made us feel at home.
It was a long journey but I am glad we are finally at the end of the road thanks to you and your outstanding team.
I wish you guys all the best in the future, may you all be blessed with many more clients and prosper through the new year.
God bless and take care.
Yours Sincerely"
2 December 2021