"Dear Michael:
My wife and I have over the past few years, as retirees here in rural Zululand, tried to bring the benefits of the first world to the deep rural areas of this complicated region of our country. We came here some 25 years ago from Johannesburg when I was appointed as Director of PR and of the University of Zululand Foundation. Previous to this I was active in the communications industry, after leaving the Department of Foreign Affairs after postings abroad in North America and Europe. I was particularly active between The Hague and North America during the SWA World Court Case, in identifying scores of North American expert witnesses to testify on our behalf as to the quality of our administration in that mandated region.
Ultimately we lost the case against Ethiopia and Liberia, more due to ideological than legal issues, the first technical judgment being in our favour that the two African states did not have locus standi in the whole matter not having been members of the erstwhile League of Nations.
When my wife heard about N’s case a few years ago we decided to pass it on to you. It was full of complications; there was little enthusiasm from the side of the SAPS; the admitting hospital staff were uncooperative; the vehicle involved was unregistered; its driver had been released from jail a week earlier and had connections in the provincial traffic department. The obstacles were legion but one by one they were addressed and overcome, as we too had friends from the Unizul days who had moved on to greater things.
However had it not been for the patience and tenacity and communicative professionalism of your firm nothing would have come of this case and for this you need to be appreciated, and of course congratulated. When she receives the compensation the future of her two minor sons will at least be assured. Rest assured also that the funds will be adequately protected and duly invested in Trust Funds, by professional and registered individuals and companies.
All your correspondence to N is passed to her and she communicate her wishes to your firm through ourselves electronically or by phone. Over the years we have set up quite a lively network with your staff and N is especially grateful for the truly excellent transport and accommodation arrangements and the promptness of your drivers.
Your patience, professionalism and resigned understanding of the laborious and frustrating pace of the processes of state organisations—the RAF and Telkom, for example-- are but small indications of the immense burden you have taken upon yourselves when dealing with these cases.
Personal best wishes and also from N.N."
4 July 2016