“Hi Michael
I would like to thank you and your team for everything you guys did regarding my case!! I apologize for my late testimonial but I really didn't have time yet.
When I was in my accident my mother and stepfather got the paperwork for me to complete. I didn't know what to expect. Throughout my whole case your staff that assisted me went above and beyond the call of duty!!! I had their names and numbers on my cell if I needed anything they were right there and knew exactly how to assist. Because I live in KZN and you guys are up there in JHB they even helped with transport and accommodation!! How awsume is that!?! Pardon my French but that's pretty … awsume! Your staff is very competent in their respected line of work and they are professionals!! Still to this day I tell people I know about your amazing company and how you guys helped me and how cool your staff is. Not to mention how pretty most of your female staff is lol!!! Anyway I wish you guys all the best for the future and I hope you guys stay as you are because you guys are perfect and your service is perfect!!!!
Peace to love!!”
11 February 2017