“Dear De Broglio,
We would like to thank you from our hearts, my wife and I, for giving us a second chance in life, we are happy about the settlement of the case and you gave us a team from out of this world to fight for us in court that is Advocate Nick de Vos, Attorney Patrick Sedutla and Candidate Attorney Jessica Apfel, they did a very great job and it is beyond my expectations that we had. I am grateful for your services from consultation, transportation with your professional drivers, updates, medical appointments, lodging at Pinedew Guest house with tasty meals and their hospitality. De Broglio Attorneys are the best in the business and I will recommend you to anyone.
When I got injured I lost my income, friends, some family members, neighbours stole from me, I was neglected and lonely with my wife but I got a professional friend to comfort me and fight for my living rights in courts, I am so proud of your law firm.
People told me Lawyers will rip us off and take a chunk of the settlement but we insisted and googled with our Blackberry, they were so many google leads but we chose De Broglio Inc. because you meant what you said and you proved it.
You made us feel appreciated and supported through this horrible time. If people knew what you stand for they would come flocking in your door step to ask for your services.
It has been a pleasure to work with the best in the business, you make my top 5 companies I respect and admire internationally that service the human needs, do not stop and grow bigger, I will even invest in you and you just not a brand but a family that fights for peoples well-being.
We are grateful for being your clients; I will never forget you and I will tell the world about you wherever I go, and thank you, YOU ARE THE BEST.
Yours sincerely
M.M. and wife”
1 October 2017